What is SMerge?
From smerge/doc/design.txt
Just a word about SMerge...
Cyril ADRIAN (mailto cadrian@ifrance.com)
SMerge is an attempt to at last! offer programmers a true syntactic
merger. What do I call a "syntactic merger"? That is a merger which is aware
of the syntax of a text (e.g., Eiffel source, Java source and so on) instead
of just lines. Therefore, it is able to better cope (*) with:
- INDENTATION. Indentation is not relevant in source code.
- RE-ORDERED FUNCTIONS. The order of things may not be as important as it
seems. For example, in Eiffel the order of features is not important as
long as the belong to the same export clause.
(*) than e.g., diff
The diagrams are made with Dia-0.86 (http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/)
Note: it has been alleged that indentation may be important (like in
Python). I am aware of that, but it's not a limitation: make it part of
the grammar ;o)
[1] Design Patterns
Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides
Addison-Wesley, 1999, ISBN 0-201-63361-2
[2] Compilers
Principles, techniques and tools
A. Aho, R. Sethi, J. Ullman
Addison-Wesley, 1986, ISBN 0-201-10194-7
[3] GOBO
[4] ELJ
Design notes__________________________________________________________________
The basis of SMerge is a generic parser (yet another compiler compiler ;o) )
in charge of building parsers... which will, in turn, be used by the syntactic
merger module---not yet designed, but it will surely be a kind of visitor. I
love this pattern; in the future, this will maybe allow the fundation classes
of SMerge to be used for some other projects...
This parser will be a LL but should easily be extended to cope with LALR
grammars in some future.
The "parser/core" package__________________________________________________
Directory: src/parser/core
The core classes of the parser are in the "parser/core" package. Those
classes are almost all deferred. They just implement a basic
skeleton. A diagram may be found in [parser.core.dia].
Note that there are two groups of classes:
- The classes derivating of NODULE. Those classes are just parser
particles... They are able to create some NODE under the right
circumstances (e.g., when submitted a source file)
- The classes derivating of NODE. Those classes are indeed the data
representing the parsed file.
I cannot stress enough the difference between NODE and NODULE. The
names are close, but their roles are really distinct.
You may also find in this package the NODE_MANAGER which in some
future will be made separate (when SmallEiffel supports this keyword).
This NODE_MANAGER is in charge of creating the whole AST (ie the tree
structure of NODEs).
At last, there is the RULE class; as it should be obvious, it allows
to replace ("reduce", see [2]) a whole string of keywords with a single
non-terminal derivation (RULE_HEAD, child of NODULE holds the derivating
The "parser/algorithms" package____________________________________________
Directory: src/parser/algorithms
This package provide some behaviour classes implementing several
different parsing algorithms.
This is a _strategy_ pattern: the deferred class is GRAMMAR which
provides only one method
shift: -> BOOLEAN
which "advances" in the code source, gathering the structural
elements. When returning "false", the source has been totally parsed, or
there was an error.
At the time of writing, there are two concrete classes:
- RECURSIVE_GRAMMAR, just a facade to the core which directly implements
this method. It is a rough LL parser (rough: recursive with no
predicive algorithms)
- PREDICTIVE_GRAMMAR is an enhanced LL parser with predictive
algorithms. This one should be really fast.
If someone would implement an LALR, and even an LR parser, please feel
free to do so. They are more powerful parsers, but _much_ slower and
less error-tolerant.
The "parser/stage1" package________________________________________________
Directory: src/parser/stage1/eiffel
Here come fancy things. This package reads a grammar description and
creates a parser. In that respect, this parser creates NODULEs that are
able to parse source code.
The classes of this package being the very foundation of SMerge, they
are a hard-coded grammar. In other words, changing the grammar grammar
(sic) may require some work.
The basis of the parser is GOBO XML (see [3]). Hence the grammar
grammar is indeed a DTD.
Here is ths DTD (found in the directory src/parser/stage1/xml)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!ENTITY % regexp "#PCDATA"> <!-- will be parsed by SMerge -->
<!-- The regexps are parsed in the following way;
-- - the data must be ensclosed betwneen single quotes or
-- double quotes; inside those pairs the other one may be freely
-- used as in bash
-- - many sequences of single- and double-quotes parts are concatenated
-- as in C
-- Example:
-- <regexp>
-- "'"
-- '[^"]*'
-- "'"
-- </regexp>
-- gives the regexp : '[^"]*'
-- (a string between single quotes which does not contain double quotes.
-- The example is ugly, I know--feel free to provide a better one)
-- (see below the definition of the <regexp> element)
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!ELEMENT grammar (options?, tokens, rules)>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!ELEMENT options (option+)>
<!ELEMENT option (case | lookahead)>
<!ATTLIST case value (sensitive|insensitive) #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT lookahead EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST lookahead tokens CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!ELEMENT tokens ((macro | blank | comment)+)>
<!ENTITY % term "is-regexp | is-identifier | is-number | regexp">
<!ELEMENT macro (idname, (%term;))>
<!ELEMENT idname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT blank (%regexp;)>
<!ELEMENT comment (%regexp;)>
<!ELEMENT is-regexp EMPTY> <!-- stage2 parser will parse a regexp -->
<!ELEMENT is-identifier EMPTY> <!-- stage2 parser will parse an identifier -->
<!ELEMENT is-number EMPTY> <!-- stage2 parser will parse a number -->
<!ELEMENT regexp (%regexp;)>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
<!ELEMENT rules (axiom, rule+)>
<!ELEMENT rule (empty?, listerm+)>
<!ELEMENT empty EMPTY> <!-- the empty rule -->
<!ELEMENT listerm ((nonterm | %term;)+)>
<!ATTLIST listerm ordering (indicative|imperative) "imperative">
<!ATTLIST listerm count (once|many) "once">
<!ELEMENT nonterm EMPTY>
<!-- ====================================================================== -->
The classes implementing this DTD follow the following scheme which, I
hope, will simplify any modification of the grammar:
- S1_* (where "*" stands for any element of the DTD above) implements
the element structure. For instance, <listerm>..</listerm> is parsed
by S1_LISTERM. All those classes extend STAGE1 which provide a feature
(unmarshall) which must be used as creation feature.
- In this DTD, see the link between nonterm and rule, made thanks to the
ID (named "name"). Indeed, S1_NONTERM acts as a proxy of S1_RULE.
- STAGE1 implements XM_NODE_VISITOR, an interface provided by GOBO XML
(well, I hope... for now please patch GOBO XML). S1_* redefine
visit_element, visit_attribute and so on to create their children
(simply by calling unmarshall on them).
- S1_GRAMMAR is the root of the AST representing the grammar. It
provides a shift feature similar to the one of the core package.
- S1_NODE implements NODE (in the core package) and is the type of the
objects creating when calling S1_GRAMMAR.shift. The root node will be
stored in S1_GRAMMAR.root.
- S1_FILE is the source file, shared via S1_SHARED.
- S1_REGEXP_MATCHER uses ELJ's regular expressions (see [4]).
Extra notes___________________________________________________________________
I hope to use one of the GTK Eiffel wrappers for the UI part. Nothing is
planned for that yet, though.
(to be continued...)